Lets be serious, what in the world was Gilbert thinking? Why bring a gun to the locker room? Was it for self defense? I'm sure when you make over 100 million dollars there are a few body guards willing to protect you. Instead the reports say Gilbert displayed the gun to Jarvis Crittenton after an altercation began involving a bet. So than what really was the purpose of the gun Gilbert? Was it to pretend to shoot Jarvis, was it to scare him, or was it a classic Hibachi stunt? Either way the idea of Arenas holding a gun makes me cringe, and allowing a the weapon into the locker room alone is alarming.
It always bugs me when professional athletes carry guns. I have yet to find a purpose. These are not rappers gunning in the streets or claiming to do so, feeling the necessity of a gun as protection from jealous street thugs. These are professional athletes contracted to sport teams who offer protection and require community service and constant supervision within their whereabouts.
It is sad to see Gilbert and for that matter Jarvis, spend a season sidelined by such an ignorant act. Arenas could still be facing jail time a reality often under-minded. In that case the season would have already been voided.
For Gilbert Arenas the show doesn't have to end here, now approaching the land beyond his prime, we can hope to find Arenas once more contributing to an NBA team in a positive manner. This time hopefully with more experience, wisdom, and maturity. When this happens, "Agent Zero" can fully expand his talent and help the NBA gain back its sense of humor which appears to have been shot down.